Dopapod's "Mucho," our 9th music video was released today on Live for LIVE Music today! Animated by Curtis Peel, "Mucho" follows the daily grind of a little robot who works for the Bad News Network, but could an unusual discovery on his way home affect what he thinks about?
"Riffing off the feel-good and ebullient feel of the MEGAGEM track and its positive, life-affirming lyrics, the vibrant video follows a robot as he discovers that’s there’s more to his dull binary life after finding a flower growing on the street and bringing it home. In tune with the overall message of the number, as Eli Winderman explained about the track, “Mucho has quickly become one of our fan favorites. I was trying to write something that was fun and that contained a lesson I’ve learned over the past few years, which is if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.”
Ming Lee Newcomb, L4LM